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5G Parents Page...

Welcome to the webpage dedicated to supporting communication between teacher and parents. Much of the information below relates to procedures or routines that operate in the 5G classroom. If there's anything you want to chat to me about, send me a message.

Enjoy! From Jemima Saunders.


In 5G I use Edmodo as the primary means of communication between teacher and student outside of school hours. The students each have their own log in and password for the account that is tied to my Teacher account. This video shows you, as parents, how to join so that you can also see assignments and posts from 5G2014.

Class Dojo

Keeping track of the positive and negative behaviours in 5G can be aided by this website, Class Dojo. As a parent, you can be sent a weekly report via email listing those behaviours assigned to your child. I find it's a great way to visually celebrate successes and keep an account of how well students exhibit the 6 Core OLA Values.

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