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Flipped Classrooms

The Flipped Classroom is something I've recently been thinking about more and more. Despite its origins in high schools, there is so much potential for innovation and catering for a variety of learners as well as totally revamping the way homework is distributed and completed.

In my research I've come across a few highlights that other teachers have experienced in their flipped classrooms. To identify some of this advice and apply it to my own professional learning I've summarised the following points;

  • it will take a lot of time for the teacher to prepare the relevant content and you will need to use a combination of your own and others' resources

  • not all students will like this, the onus is firmly on them to participate actively, being a passive learner isn't an option anymore

  • not every learning activity has to be flipped all at once, build up your digital lessons and units as you go

  • think carefully about how classtime will be utilised as the explicit instruction time has already been done so how exactly will studnets interact with what they have learned independently

I must admit, the thought of finding appropriate digital media or creating myself to disseminate to my students before the lesson is a pretty exciting concept. As a bit of a self-confessed technology addict, this sort of teaching and learning will probably suit me. Here's to attempting to flip some of my lessons in the coming months!


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